Thursday, January 19, 2012


Here's a quick Illustration Friday: studying is definitely necessary when preparing for a test. . or a project. . .or anything in life actually.  You must absorb knowledge before you can apply it :)

I apologize for the long hiatus and have really missed blogging!  I've been swamped trying to meet two different deadlines. 

One, I can talk about. . it's Attack of the Space Chickens in short comic form for Illopond's Space Anthology.  The above illustration was actually a sketch from the story that I ended up having to cut out.

As for the other project, I won't be able to show art from it until the book is published (hopefully by the end of this year).  Until then, I leave you with picture book tips from Eric Carle himself as he works on his latest book The Artist Who Painted a Horse: