Monday, June 3, 2013


This little boy from my first illustrated picture book looks in the refrigerator and finds something very sweet and cold on a hot summer day!

Speaking of which, A Moment in Time won the Reader Views Literary Awards for Best Children's Book. Part of the award was our very own video trailer for the book which you can see below:

Sorry I haven't posted recently. I've been busy working on a few projects, such as writing curriculum for Disney English and illustrating another picture book (which will hopefully be out by the end of the year).

Until next time, I want to recommend checking out the Sendak exhibit at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco.

The museum has a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge, a delicious cafe, and very inspiring artwork. My critique group, the Picturesques, attended a panel there called "Stealing from Sendak" and the illustrators on the panel were so generous with their insights and experiences! They made me realize how much Sendak revolutionized the concept of a picture book for entire generations: from nudity to honestly frightening characters. I was proud to wear my Night Kitchen shirt that day :).